What are the causes of color distortion when card game printing wholesale

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Now there are many sets of color management systems in the manual printing, and there is a certain control over the color of the printing, but in today's manual customer groups, their requirements for color are becoming increasingly harsh. In order to better card game printing wholesale, it is necessary to understand the factors that cause color distortion! So what are the causes of color distortion in card game printing wholesale? Let's take a look at it!

1. Color restoration causes color distortion

Modern printing usually uses C, M, Y, K four-color ink to reproduce color, because the ink itself has a purity problem, so the printing overprint will also produce color distortion.

2. There is color distortion in the original manuscript

With the continuous spread of digital cameras, more and more digital image manuscripts, and digital cameras on the control of staff skills requirements greatly improved, due to the poor skill level of the control of staff, the captured images are prone to dim picture, image ambiguity and other situations, the formation of the original color distortion.

Most of the printed image manuscripts are obtained through photography tricks, about the photo manuscripts, in addition to the color distortion due to improper manipulation in the shooting process, because the color is reproduced through color materials such as color, and color materials are easy to attack color attenuation, so it can also cause the distortion of the color of the photo.

3. Color separation results in color distortion

The so-called "color separation" is to convert the color information of each pixel of the image into the color information in the form of suitable printing C, M, Y and K. In the process of color separation, as long as the color separation parameters are accurately configured according to the printing suitability of ink and paper, high-quality color separators can be output and the loss of color information can be reduced. The color information is lost during the color separation process. Printing commonly uses C, M, Y, K four-color ink to copy color, and the image information received by the digital receiving equipment to the computer is commonly R, G, B information, so the image information needs to be converted into C, M, Y, K form before printing and plate making, that is, color separation treatment.

4, scanning processing causes color distortion

The image density of the original photo is continuous, and the image information needs to be collected into the computer. When scanning the image, the image needs to be divided into non-continuous pixels, and the R, G, and B information of each pixel on the manuscript is collected point by point and line by line. In the scanning process, it will cause the loss of pixel color information, and the image processing is based on the received image information, all the color manipulation is also carried out on this basis, and the image color information can not be added. Therefore, for the photo manuscript, scanning is a very important key in the image processing, and the wrong operation will lead to the image color distortion.

card game printing wholesale https://www.thpkgg.com/Card-Game-Printing
